Elias Rosenshaw (under the name Sage Stanley) 2/9/2023
Acrylic paint, paint marker, and gel pen on canvas board. 18" x 24"
On display in the "Nocturne" virtual gallery at www.119northweatherly.com March 9 - April 30. Can be purchased for $200 (plus $35 if framed).
Note: The date is an approximation. I created it to submit to the show, but forgot the exact date I completed it.
Recent commission: How do women move forward when doors are continually closing in front of them? Doors that were open in the past are now being closed by those who think that you should live your life the way they do even though your life situation is vastly different from theirs. 2022, 13” x 19” Ballpoint Pen on Paper, Digital. Model: AmyM
This is the centre section of a cartoon I did back in my university days for the student newspaper. It was fun to do, but took a lot of time. I hope to put it into a collection of comics.
“Whirlwind 9”, an original drawing. Micron pens on archival paper. Size: 4” x 6”. Title, signature, and date in the back of the drawing. This drawing is the 9th in a series of drawings posted over a period of 100 days. The original post date on this drawing was September 9, 2020.